Workshop in June

Thank you” to everyone who came to the workshop on Sunday in Freiburg.

Very mindful, concentrated and productive!

The theme for June was more summery with lots of natural elements, like water flow and rain drops..

Excellent progress!

Well done. Arigato✨

Next date( the last one before the summer break!) is

on Sunday, 22. July.

Here I share only some Seisho pieces from three participants who are beginners.

Happy summer practice!!




Creative SHO workshop stage 4. Finissage

On the final day just before our last coffee & home baked cakes, we did the finissage exhibition outside the villa.

How interesting and inspirational!!

I am positively impressed by those finished art works.

Fantastic process!!

Thank you to all of you –

hope to see you next year again in Lure.

Happy Practice !


Otehon for winter season

Are you already enjoying your Shodo practice in a warm cozy room with some candles on?!

When it comes to practising Shodo, Autumn and Winter seasons are great for us to refind a inner silence and develop a deeper sense of mindfulness.

Today I post a perfect seasonal Otehon for here and now.


Otehonn text “shimobashira 霜柱”

: しもばしら/ シモバシラ

-English: Frost pillar,  Frost columns

-German: Frost Kristalle, Raureif

2 Kanjis;

-霜 shimo : Frost

-柱 bashira : Column, Pillar

-Level: beginner to intermediate

-Brush size: medium to big,  for both hard and soft haired

Technical Tips:

– make sure the difference between the side brushing and the direct brushing

– a clear 1-2-3 movement in the corner techniques

– left Harai technique, always wait for the cursive point.

– check all types of bending strokes

– check the middle line and composition balance

Enjoy your Shodo hours”

Happy Practice!



Next Workshop in Freiburg, Germany

When; Sunday, 12. November, 13.00 ~ 16.00
Where; Haus Diva, Lise-Meitner-Strasse 12
D79100, Freiburg- Vauban

Level; From beginners to professionals

Fee; 45€ / all materials and texts included,  calligraphy tools provided

I would like to inform you that the next calligraphy workshop in Freiburg is on Sunday, the 12th. November starting at 13.00.

We will this time practise beautiful frost theme texts in many different calligraphy styles.

The workshop is designed for a small group of people (max.8) and for 8all levels including some professional needs too.

The beginners are always welcome!

  • If you would like to sign in,  please send me a mail on:

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!!

Happy Practice!



Otehon; Kingyo~Goldfish

I hope you are enjoying these hot sunny days! Are you brushing up your calligraphy skills?! Or doing more stroke-practice?!

Before the summer holiday ends, I would like to post an Otehon for the month of August.

The summery text you can not avoid ….

Yes,  “Goldfish”!!

“Aka-i-kin-gyo (Jap) ~ Red goldfish”

*Akai: Red

*Kingyo: Goldfish (Kin; Gold +Gyo; Fish)

*4 Kanjis and 1 Hiragana

Please check all balance lines, composition frames and some tips above.
Each Kanji have more less a clear middle line. Always start with a clear angle and check which brush technique should be applied.(side or direct brushings)

Recommended brush size is the medium to the big. Both hard or soft haired are suitable for this text.

Happy Practice!!


Thank you,  Arigato!

Despite the chilly frosty wind,  all came to “calligraphy-ing” yesterday!

Thanks very much to everyone who attended the workshop.

All did wonderful practice!

I am very glad to get to know and to teach such mindfulness people!

Next workshop is on Sunday, the 4th. December. With the theme ” Winter & for Christmas cards”

Calligraphy texts will be all winter-feeling inspired. Besides our calligraphy practice, I will provide a pair of blank cards. So if you want,  you can either do calligraphy on the cards,  or fix an extra calligraphy paper on- as you get inspired towards the end of the workshop. It would be an unique card for Christmas.

For sign up,  please send me a direct mail.

Here is the link to my instagram;


Happy Practice


Rie stamp