Otehon for winter season

Are you already enjoying your Shodo practice in a warm cozy room with some candles on?!

When it comes to practising Shodo, Autumn and Winter seasons are great for us to refind a inner silence and develop a deeper sense of mindfulness.

Today I post a perfect seasonal Otehon for here and now.


Otehonn text “shimobashira 霜柱”

: しもばしら/ シモバシラ

-English: Frost pillar,  Frost columns

-German: Frost Kristalle, Raureif

2 Kanjis;

-霜 shimo : Frost

-柱 bashira : Column, Pillar

-Level: beginner to intermediate

-Brush size: medium to big,  for both hard and soft haired

Technical Tips:

– make sure the difference between the side brushing and the direct brushing

– a clear 1-2-3 movement in the corner techniques

– left Harai technique, always wait for the cursive point.

– check all types of bending strokes

– check the middle line and composition balance

Enjoy your Shodo hours”

Happy Practice!




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